Open Source GUI module
for embedded systems
Date | Event |
06.08.17 | Website moved to a new host. Further updates are in progress |
13.9.15 | Forum added for discussions 🙂 |
22.3.15 | µGUI is now available on GitHub: https://github.com/achimdoebler/UGUI |
What is μGUI
µGUI is a free and open source graphic library for embedded systems. It is platform-independent and can be easily ported to almost any microcontroller system. As long as the display is capable of showing graphics, µGUI is not restricted to a certain display technology. Therefore, display technologies such as LCD, TFT, E-Paper, LED or OLED are supported. The whole module consists of two files: ugui.c and ugui.h.
μGUI Features
- μGUI supports any color, grayscale or monochrome display
- μGUI supports any display resolution
- μGUI supports multiple different displays
- μGUI supports any touch screen technology (e.g. AR, PCAP)
- μGUI supports windows and objects (e.g. button, textbox)
- 16 different fonts available
- integrated and free scalable system console
- basic geometric functions (e.g. line, circle, frame etc.)
- can be easily ported to almost any microcontroller system
- no risky dynamic memory allocation required
μGUI Requirements
μGUI is platform-independent, so there is no need to use a certain embedded
system. In order to use μGUI, only two requirements are necessary:
- a C-function which is able to control pixels of the target display.
- integer types for the target platform have to be adjusted in ugui.h.
Example Projects
Various example projects can be found on my YouTube channel:
User Examples
ToDo List
The following features are on my ToDo list:
- Demo files for different platforms
- Mouse support
Touchscreen support -
Window support -
Objects - Multi-Layer support
Support for hardware acceleration - Alpha channel support
- Anti-Aliasing
Center String function
I've spent a lot of time writing µGUI. If you like this project, please support it!
Feel free to…
- report bugs
- send suggestions for upcoming features
- share µGUI
- send me pictures of your application using µGUI
- help me to keep this project alive: Donate 1€

Reference Guide
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Latest version:
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Example Projects

STM32F429 Discovery
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Companies Using µGUI
- Orbital Technologies, Inc. , NY (http://www.coaxstrippers.com)
Seems interesting UGUI. However for example for the controller ST7586S have any examples of LCD functions to associate with UGUI? If you have made and canst send to me …
Vitor Aquino
Hi Vitor, sure it is possible to connect UGUI to the ST7586S. I will look for some sample code… Best regards Achim
Hello! I have recently been drawing Lissajous_curve through the Nios II, can I communicate with you?Email:maruixiang96@gmail.com
Hi Vitor,
I hope this helps!
//#define H_BYTE_CNT 80 // 240×160
#define H_BYTE_CNT 43 // 128×160
unsigned char display_buff[H_BYTE_CNT*160];
void st7586s_pset(UG_S16 x, UG_S16 y, UG_COLOR c)
unsigned int pos;
unsigned char b;
switch( x%3 )
case 2: b = 0x03; break;
case 1: b = 0x81; break;
case 0: b = 0xC0; break;
pos = (x / 3) + y * H_BYTE_CNT;
if ( !c )
display_buff[ pos ] |= b;
display_buff[ pos ] &= ~b;
void st7586s_update(void) {
unsigned int i;
send_cmd( 0x2C );
for(i=0; i
send_data( display_buff[i] );
Thanks for the extensive library. I see you already used a ST7586S in one of your videos demonstrations. I have a similar display but it draws 2 pixel per byte and not 3 pixel as the datasheet . Can you help me with this ? below is the initialization code i used
// Display OFF
GLCD_Command( 0x28);
// Delay 50 ms
//currentTime = G_SystemTime1ms;
//while(!(IsTimeUp(¤tTime, 50)));
// Vop = B9h
// BIAS = 1/14
// Booster = x8
// Enable Analog Circuit
// N-Line = 0
// Monochrome Mode
// Enable DDRAM Interface
// Scan Direction Setting
GLCD_Data(0x00); //COM:C160–C1 SEG: SEG384-SEG1
// Duty Setting
// // Partial Display
// #ifdef PARTIAL_DISP
// GLCD_Command(0xB40);
// GLCD_Data(A0);
// GLCD_Command(0x30); // Partial Display Area = COM0 ~ COM119
// GLCD_DATA(0x00);
// GLCD_DATA(0x00);
// GLCD_Data(0x00);
// GLCD_Data(0x77);
// #endif
// Display Inversion
GLCD_Command(0x20); // OFF
// Column Address Setting
GLCD_Data(0x00); // SEG0 -> SEG384
// Row Address Setting
GLCD_Data(0x00); // COM0 -> COM160
Hi Mesbah,
I’m quite sure that there is something wrong with your mapping.
Have you selected monochrome mode or grayscale mode?
Maybe page 18/19 of the datasheet helps you?
Which display do you use?
Hi! Were you able to get 3 pixels per byte?
Hi Andrey, yes! In order to use this feature you have to use a “read – modify – write” pset function which reads data from the display, changes it and writes it back to the display. BR Achim
Hi! I have the same problem with the pixels. Could you show me a example about the use of the "Read Modify Write" function to write 3 pixels per byte?. I did not understand this command on the datasheet. When this command is enabled, is it necessary to do the algorithm on the diagram at page 37 of the datasheet every time when i want write data to the display? Or is it only necessary one time on the initialization process?
I hope that you can help me.
Best Regards Emmanuel
Are you done this ?
I’m facing challenges with the initialization of a 240×120 Display using the ST7586S driver IC. I’ve interfaced it with an MCU via 4-wire SPI, but the display is not responding to the All Pixel ON command as expected.
Your insights or suggestions on why the LCD isn’t initializing would be greatly appreciated. I’ve attached the relevant code for your reference.
void LCD_Init(void)
P7_bit.no6 = 0; //set A0 pin as a o/p
P7_bit.no7 = 0; //set Reset pin as a o/p
P7_bit.no7 = 1; //LCD Reset high
P7_bit.no7 = 0; //LCD Reset LOW
P7_bit.no7 = 1; //LCD Reset high
P7_bit.no6 = 0; //Set the A0 pin to initial values
//LCD initialization commands
write_command(0x11); // Sleep Out //set power save mode
write_command(0x28); // Display OFF
write_command(0xC0); // Vop = 0X11Dh
write_data(0x45); // 1D:14.96V 24:15.30V 28:15.36V 6F:18.00V
write_data(0x01); //
write_command(0xC3); // BIAS System
write_data(0x00); //— bias 0x00=1/14 ; 0x01= 1/13; 0x02=1/12 ;0x03=1/11 ; 0x04=1/10 ; 0x05 =1/9bias//
write_command(0xC4); // Booster = x8
write_command(0xD0); // Enable Analog Circuit
write_command(0xB5); // N-Line = 0 ; Frame inversion
write_data(0x00); // inversion occurs in every frame
write_command(0x39); //Display Mode 0x38 Gray mode ; 0x39 Monochrome mode(B/W Mode)
write_command(0x3A); // Enable DDRAM Interface
write_data(0x02); // 4-level gray 0x02 , 16-level gray 0x03
write_command(0x36); // Scan Direction Setting/Display Control——-
write_data(0x00); //seg 0—283 com 0–160 Set scan direction of COM andSEG
write_command(0xB0); // Duty Setting ——–(num rows – 1)
write_data(0x9F); //0x77==>1/120Duty 0x7f==>1/128Duty 0x9f==>1/160duty 0x3f==>1/64duty
write_command(0x20); // Display Inversion 20:OFF 21:ON
write_command(0x2A); // Column Address Setting
write_data(0x00); // start column address
write_data(0x00); // SEG0
write_data(0x00); // ending column address
write_data(0x4F); // SEG239 , 80*3=240 pixels
write_command(0x2B); // Row Address Setting
write_data(0x00); // start row address
write_data(0x00); // com0
write_data(0x00); // ending row address
write_data(0x78); // 78h=120, 9F=160
//Clear_DDRAM(); // Clear DDRAM
write_command(0x29); // Display ON
void display_black(void) //all display
unsigned int i,j;
for(j=0;j<120;j++) //1byte data or 2 dot 120*2=240dot
void main(void)
R_SAU0_Create(); //Start serial array unit
R_CSI01_Start(); //Start CSI channel 01 (SPI)
while (1U)
Hello Achim Doble!
I need display driver support for 3.2″ TFT display with inbuilt ILI9341 driver. It is 16 bit parellel mode
We need to draw .BMP file while application is running. If you provide your mail id or whatsapp number I can share you more details about my requirements.. We are ready to pay for your services!! WA: +91 9787231007
I find this library somewhat intriging. Do you have any working Arduino examples, and if it is not asking too much – something for a SSD1322 based display?
Is your youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aLbv2_fo08 using this library?
Hi Jack,
µGUI does not officially support Arduino so far.
To be honest: I presume that it runs on Arduino without any problem, but I have not tested it 🙂
I’ll keep you updated regarding Arduino-related examples.
Can you provide code for the dsPic33 with the SSD1322 driver? That is the exact setup I am trying to run for a project of mine. I am using the Blue Display. Thank you so much!!!!
Hi Mike,
have a look at your emails 🙂
As we're already talking Microchip, what would be necessary to get a Pic32MZ2048ECH144 and HX8238-A based display to use µGUI?
First of all you have to connect the TFT DPI Interface to the PIC. Then initialize the internal DPI Interface of the PIC. After that you only have to write a Pset-function to use uGUI. Hope this helps! By the way: which hardware platform do you use? BR Achim
Another significant improvement to the framework would be adding events from windows (you seem to do this according to a TODO comment in the code). If one want to extend window look he/she needs something like OnRender event to draw when window is updated.
Thanks for posting this.
I really like the design of your code. I was able to get it up and running on a PSOC5 with no problems on a 128×64 newhaven display in so little time I was surprised!
Have you thought about how to implement screen rotation? I am wondering how to change to portrait from landscape on my display (at compile time, not run time)
thanks, Cris
Hi Cris,
thanks for the commendation!
It is very easy to realize screen rotation:
Your display has 128×64 pixels, right?
Just pretend it has 64×128, use UG_Init(…64,128…) and you get a rotation by 90 degree. Of course you have to swap x and y INSIDE your pset function.
Flip the screen:
In order to flip the screen horizontally and/or vertically just use the following trick at the beginning of your pset function:
x = 127 – x; // Flip the screen horizontally
y = 63 – y; // Flip the screen vertically
Do you have a sample project you could share for PSoC5?
does this work with I2C interface? Can you post example code for PSOC?
Hello Achim,
I was wondering if you could please provide some example code interfacing with the Raspberry Pi and 1.5" OLED – SSD1351.
Hi Paul, unfortunately I don’t have such example code. Maybe I can help you to write your own implementation? BR Achim
I'm also interested in getting a 1.5" OLED SSD1351 running on a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B. In fact, I want to run 3 displays from that Pi (without exhausting the GPIO either–it'll be running 3 sensors too).
I have some resources where I work, but any other help you can give would be much appreciated!
Hi Spencer!
Interesting project – please share some more details on the forum!
I would use SPI for all OLEDs. µGUI is ideally suited to handle all of them in parallel!
At the forum you will find an example for the SSD1351!
BR, Achim
At first i would like to congratulate you for this great library/project. I tested it in the STM32F429 Discovery and liked a lot. So, I would ask if you are interested in creating an adaptation layer for an event manager based on RTOS services. I beleive that through RTOS semaphores, queues and timers it is possible to better manage the CPU resources. I started myself a GUI event handler, as you can see here:
The code is available here:
However, i´m not a great GUI designer. I just have a RTOS project and i would like to disseminate the use of such a great tool for embedded software development. Even, i developed a demo based in your code using RTOS services. Doing that i realized a excessive CPU usage for the touch screen reading (like 10%). I just raised the I2C clock to 250khz, droping the CPU usage for less than 1%.
If you are interested, i can send you my modified project in order to you evaluate if its possible to implement such event handler mechanism.
I wish you all the best,
Best regards,
Gustavo Denardin
Hello Achim,
Nice work with the library.
I see on the youtube channel that you used it with 7 inch tft (both uGUI and STemWin). Is there a chance to share the source code ?
I've got a problem with the refresh rate. Some times a flicker line appear on the middle of the screen. The flicker will occurs rarely if I lower the PCLK to 16MHz, but it still appears.
Hi Alin, please send me your source first. Maybe I can modify it 🙂
BR Achim
First, I want to thank you for this library. I've used 0.2 version successfully with an OLED with SSD1322 controller on PIC32. Are the window and button functions work on OLED? I haven't had success with the example code.
Hi Andre,
yes, µGUI v0.3 works perfectly fine on OLEDs!
Could you share some pictures and your source code on the forum?
BR, Achim
void UG_WaitForUpdate( void )
while ( (volatile UG_U8)gui->state & UG_SATUS_WAIT_FOR_UPDATE )
if(gui->touch.state == 1)
What do you mean here?
Hi Achim,
before everything i want to thank you so much for the outstanding library!
I'm using an "ER-TFT070-4" from BuyDisplay 7" with OTA7001A Driver, no init code, just a DPI interface to be used with LTDC interface.
Starting with your example of uGFX 3.0 on Stm32f429-Discovery (embd LCD removed) i have changed only screen dimensions to the ltdc.h in order to make it all work and so on it's a really good result.
#define THS 10
#define THB 20
#define THD 800
#define THF 10
#define TVS 2
#define TVB 2
#define TVD 480
#define TVF 4
The problem is that i don't understand what THB, THS, THF, TVS, TVB, TVF means and what i have to use in order to optimize a little bit my code.. can you suggest me about that, or maybe a "programmers note" where it's all explained?
Thank you so much, and sorry but i'm nearly new to program things with this complexity.
PS. if you want i can send you my entire project, i'm aslo using Coocox IDE!!
Hi Davide, I’m glad that you like uGUI 🙂
Yes, please send me the project. I’ll reply with some informations regarding DPI. Best regards, Achim
Hi Achim,
I am from Taiwan.
I am a college student.
So,My English is poor.sorry.
Your Library is my best tutorial. Thank you.
I have some question about images.
1.If i want to use an images for a button.
How could i do?
2.Can i put an images on the button??
Hi Chen,
I’m glad that you like µGUI.
Unfortunately pictures inside buttons are not supported by µGUI v0.3 🙁
µGUI v0.4 will be able to do that!
BR, Achim
Very nice project!
I am having trouble setting the STM32F429 (discovery) to use a larger display.
Can you please send me your initialization code of your 800×480 display?
Hi Nimi,
there will be soon a related topic on the forum.
Please also have a look at the example projects!
BR, Achim
Hi. This looks very nice
I see you have a driver for the 1.54 OLED SSD1305Z 126×64 Mono as per your UTube demo
Would you mind sharing the Init Driver commands for this display So I can try out your Library
Hi Brett,
sure, which display do you use?
Please upload the spec on the forum.
BR, Achim
Hello Achim
Can I use ugui with STM32F4-Discovery + ssd1963 fsmc module? I have ssd1963 library. I can run the screen but do not know how I could combine seamlessly with ugui. Can you help with this?
Hi Mehmet,
please have a look at my example projects.
BR, Achim
Can you provide code for the MSP430 with the SSD1322 driver? I can't understand how can i use your library. Pleas help me!
Hi Anas,
at the forum you will find an example for the SSD1322!
BR, Achim
Hi Achim,
The examples look great! I'm targetting the same OLED as one of your youtube videos ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aLbv2_fo08&list=PLn9k3eL_sqV1Y1FwUu0qFC6u7m6rQe9_V&index=3 )
Would it be posisble to get the drivers you used for the demo of the SSD1322 chipset?
Hi Brian,
just have a look at the forum 🙂
BR, Achim
Hi there i am after a oled display for a pure evoke flow radio and have been told it is a pmo 19301 and is 2.7" diagonaly my question is do you know where i can buy one of these units.
Regards Phil
Hi Phil,
please upload pictures of this OLED on the forum, so that we can have a look at it.
BR, Achim
Do you have any plan to make uGui support unicode?
Hi Yijun,
yes, unicode will be available in v0.4 🙂
BR, Achim
Hi Achim
Nice job on the uGUI! I'm currently experimenting with it, I had an stm32f429 discovery board so could start right away with your example project in CoIDE.
I drew a window because I need some buttons. However I also need some rectangles so I drew 2 of them with the intention to draw them on top of my main window. This clearly does not work… What I try to do is have 2 measured values shown in those rectangles (voltage and current), all on top of the window.
So I need a window, with buttons to push but also 2 areas on the window to show some measured values. Can you give me a hint how to do it or do you have somewhere an example?
Hi Dennis,
you could use a textbox and UG_TextboxSetText() function.
I hope this helps. Please post further questions on the forum.
BR, Achim
Hi Achim,
How can I get the example code source on the youtube and the dirve library of the LCDs.
Hi Williams,
please refer to my examples on this website or have a look at the forum.
BR, Achim
Would it be possible to get a copy of your low level driver for the ST75256 LCD Controller Chip, please?
Thank you,
Hi Mike,
I think I have an example.
Please have a look at the forum in a few days!
BR, Achim
I'm sorry but I couldn't find them in the forum? Where should I be looking?
Could you possibly put all of your example PSET function up on GIT with the source code.
I am specifically looking for the ST75256 driver (there is a youtube video of this) and the uc1618T (I haven't seen any support for this chipset).
Thank you for your efforts, they are appreciated.
I was wondering if I can use this library to get SSD1322 work with xmegaA3AU ? Can you help with some sample code, that would be great! Looking forward to your reply.
Hi Shree,
I have added a example pset function for the SSD1322 driver on my forum!
Please use a correct initialization sequence for your display!
Dear Sir,
We are using Tiny6410 stamp module. It is restricted to using only friendlyarm display. We need to interface resistive touchscreen display of 5 inch & 7 inch of our choice. Please give steps how we can use your library.
Thank you.
Hi Amol,
The STMPE811 is ideally suited for resistive touchscreens. Please refer to the forum for further details.
BR, Achim
Hi Achim, can you tell me what connector you use in your Board lcd 0.96 ssd1306.
Best Regards
Hi Tiago,
I use a 0.5mm connector from OMRON. Please refer to the forum for further details.
BR, Achim
Hi Teddy,
µGUI has already been used on hundreds of displays (some examples: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn9k3eL_sqV1Y1FwUu0qFC6u7m6rQe9_V).
Yes, it can be easily used for GLCD!
BR, Achim
Nice work! So impressive!I am new to OLED and now working a project using a NHD-3.12-25664UCB2 OLED with PIC, can u give me an pic code example with the SSD1322 driver? Thanks a lot in advance!
Hi, have a look at the forum. There is an example Pset function for the SSD1322.
Hi achim,
i really wonder about your gui. it is very simple to use. i want to draw a image on my lcd. i also done by using your library with given example image. now i want to convert image to header file. can you suggest any software to do that.
Hi Arun, I think there is a conversion utility on the ST microelectronics page. I can’t remember the name, but I’m sure there is one. BR Achim
Great job!
I'm very impressed!
I tried, but I can not force to work my 240×128 display with T6963C controller . Could you please send me the code to this: 240×128 LCD | Driver: T6963C | Interface: 8080
I would be very grateful for your help.
Best Regards.
Hi Wojciech,
thanks for the feedback!
Please have a look at the forum for driver support 🙂
BR Achim
Hi Achim,
I have a small display with no touchscreen. However I want to use windows with GUI buttons and use up/down buttons (physical buttons) to select GUI buttons on the screen (and use an enter button to simulate pressing a GUI button). Is it possible to do this with ugui, to select GUI buttons and generate GUI button clicks programmatically without toutchscreen?
Hi Jan, yes this is possible. Just implement a fake touch function, which returns coordinates which are inside the area of a button. That’s it 🙂
BR Achim
Is there a sample project for STM32f7xx-Discovery also available?
Hi, yes I’m going to write an example for the STM32F7. Unfortunately I’m very busy right now, so please be patient…
The STM32f7-Discovery can be found here…
Is the display an touch screen of the STM32f7-Discovery supported?
Yes, uGUI supports any touch and any display.
hello! thanks for the hardwork! 😀
well, this is my first time using STM. i'm using stm32f407 by the way. i really want to use ugui with my stm and ssd1289. do you have any project example that i can use as refrence? it would be really helpful. thanks!
Please have a look at the forum. Have you already downloaded my example projects? BR Achim
Dear Sir
I need to use your UGUI with ATMEGA AVR & 7" ER-TFT070-4 TFT LCD in 16it parallel mode.
Kindly share any example so that i can use your Ugui with my compiler. I am using CodevisionAVR.
Thanks for your cooperation.
Hi Ahmed, currently I don’t have any example for Codevision. Please have a look at my example projects. It should be quite easy to port them to your platform. BR Achim
Hi Achim,
Does uGUI support Anti-Aliasing? How to use Anti-Aliasing?
Hi Taylor, no Anti-Aliasing is not officially supported at the moment but will be available in ugui 0.4. BR Achim
Hi Achim!
Super nice library. It's very well coded and easy to use. I've began developing on it a couple of days ago and will probably go with your library for the rest of my project.
I've noticed that drawing bitmaps could easily be accerelerated with a hardware driver for controllers like the SEPS525:
1) Prepare peripherals for data transfer.
2) Setup X start, Y start, X end and Y end according to the bitmap size and position.
3) Use a pointer to the bitmap array and increment the pointer after each color sent.
This allows you to write the whole bitmap in one shot with all the right colors (you don't have to write it pixel by pixel).
With this in mind, I believe it would be fairly easy to add a supported hardware driver to be used by the drapBMP() function.
Hi Jonathan.
thank you very much for the feedback! Good idea! There will be some more new acceleration functions available in 0.4…Please post your project at the forum!
BR Achim
First of all – great job!
And thank you for making it free 🙂
I've set it up on an STM32L100RCT6 with an 128×64 glcd, and everything works like a charm, except the UG_DrawLine() function, which seems to always draw a falling line, no matter how the arguments are arranged 🙁
UG_DrawLine(10,60,120,20,C_BLACK); //falling line 60->20
UG_DrawLine(10,10,120,50,C_BLACK); //rising line 10->50 (but is falling)
produces two prallel lines, while they should intersect.
Is there something I'm doing wrong, or it just doesn't work this way?
Best Regards, and thank you in advance.
Hi Krzysztof, thanks for the feedback. I’m glad that you like ugui. Please post your source code on the forum. I will have a look at it. In general it should work! Best regards, Achim
Hi Achim,
I'we find a bug.
if ( x2 < x1 )
n = x2;
x2 = x1;
x1 = n;
if ( y2 < y1 )
n = y2;
y2 = y1;
y1 = n;
These conditions swaps the endpoints of a line.
[x1y1,x2y2]=>[x2y1,x1y2] [x1y1,x2y2]=>[x1y2,x2y1]
Best regards, Ondrej
Hi Ondrej,
yes, it’s a bug! It will be removed in the next version!
Thanks for the feedback!
BR Achim
Any chance this could be ported to the Teensy (3.2) with the ILI9341?
I could probably give it a go to see if I can get it working, but unsure how to do this exaclty as it's a bit out reach for me at the moment.
Looks awesome!
Good work 😀
Hi, please have a look at the STM32 example. This example is also based on the ILI9341. BR Achim
This is interesting.
I am working on TI-AM4379 processor with Fema GM12864D-27-O3CY OLED which has SSD1325.
Can I use uGUI ?
Hi Kris,
BR Achim
hello. thanks for your good library . I want to use Farsi font . can you help me ?
Hi there, if this is a TrueType font, a font converter is available on GitHub.
Hello, I am using your ugui. I use Psoc5 communicate with LCD TFT lil9341. Some funtion as UG DrawLine(), UG DrawArc()…run good on LCD. but some funtion about window not run on LCD. I dont understand about them. Examble funtion: UG WindowShow() {
if ( wnd != NULL )
/* Force an update, even if this is the active window! */
wnd->state &= ~WND_STATE_REDRAW_TITLE;
gui->next_window = wnd;
return UG_RESULT_OK;
I dont see them send data for LCD from microchip.
Hello . Can you help me about touch (X+,X-,Y+,Y-) in LCD TFT ILI 9431
Will you please share source code for OTA7001A (7" lcd ER-TFT070-4 from buydisplay) Driver for Stm32f429-Discovery and uGFX 3.0. ?
Hello Achim Döbler, thank you very much for your library, how can i used your libary with st75256 controler ? do i need to write first the driver ? can you help me please about that ?
Thank you very much i'm waiting your help.
I need ssd1963 library for int070atft-TS for dsPIC33FJ256GP710-I/PF controller. Can some one provide me?
What is its license? Can I use it in commercial products, please?
Oh, I see. I will plan to test it in my prototype. Thank you for your great project!
Hi Achim,
I have a small display with touchscreen (SSD1963 driver) that I buy in here :
I am trying working with uGui + arduino to set Graphic on my display. Do you have any example with arduino?
Just want to thank you for your effort and great framework that is easy to use but also very powerful. I am using it extensivly on STM32F429I-DISC1 board.
Dear Momcilo,
thanks for the feedback! Kindly share some pictures of your projects!
BR Achim
I see you have a youtube video of a 256×64 PM OLED 5.5\” GREEN | SSD1322 | 8080 / 68xx / SPI using a dsPIC33 controller. I what to do the same with a PIC32. Can you send me the code and schematic? I am currently using the MikroC complier,
Thanks in advance…..
Hi, thanks for the library, but my buttons have no surrounding box. Can you tell me if there is a method I should call? Or is it something else?
Hello, Thanks for the great library, i'am actually using uGUI to design my application. i just want ask you some question, the interface i am going to design is composed mainly with 3 parts :
1-High Right corner : shows the battery level.
2- High Left corner : Time and date
3- In the middle : the main Menu, a dynamic Menu for configuration and showing the app features.
My idea was to use an image to draw the battery level in the right corner, but here, i find that to use UG_ImageCreate i have to create a window at first and then attach the image, the library don't provide a much easier function to draw an image in coordiantes (x,y), for me using windows is for managing dynamic things, things that are hidden and shown again in Runtime in fact I will use windows to manage tha main menu . I'am very interseted to know your opinion here
thanks in advance
Is there a way to draw a slash line (/) using the UG_DrawLine function?
The only way to do that is to remove folowing code from the UG_DrawLine function:
if ( x2 < x1 )
n = x2;
x2 = x1;
x1 = n;
if ( y2 < y1 )
n = y2;
y2 = y1;
y1 = n;
Is there any particular reason to keep this code?
Hi, is there any library for driving SSD1322 based oled's for STM32F4 or some sample code? I need it to drive one of those OLED's for my custom PC project ;)
We are using uGui Library with BuyDisplays ER-TFT050-3 800×480 with OTA7001A LCD controller and STM32F4 platform .
We are facing some flickering issues with current code. We think that the problem is with LTDC peripheral and SD-RAM configuration.
Please see if there is any reference code or information available for this combination. Please share.
I have converted your uGUI Demo for the STM32F4 Discovery board using the 407 with LCD and Touch using the OpenSTM32 Workbench. If you are interested I can also post the source so that your uGUI tool can be easily used on this platform. Your Graphics library is clean, and easy to understand. Thank you for all your hard work.
Dear Christian,
nice! Yes, please upload the project so that other guys in the forum can also use it.
Again, great job!
BR, Achim
Great library! Unbelievably quick time to get it up and running on my Cypress PSoC4. Any chance you're planning on or are working on variable width fonts?
uGUI actually supports variable width fonts via the "widths" array though there are no variable width fonts included with uGUI out the chute.
I will use ugui in my project, "stm32f103 + freertos + ugui + lcd12864"
Dear Achim
You have done a wonderfull work – keep up the good work
Do you have a working driver for the SH1122G? as shown in your Youtube channel
Can you please provide source code?
Thank you
Dear Bobi,
thanks a lot for the positive feedback.
Just come back in a few days please.
BR Achim
Hello. Just found your library the other day. Love it due to the ease of porting and simplicity. Will likely never return to my old graphics library.
I just can't figure out how to make two windows show, and get one inactive and one active. Could you please respond here or email me?
Thank you,
Dear Mark,
thanks for your positive feedback! Can anybody please help him?
BR Achim
Hi Achim,
I am completely new to this embedded system.
I am trying to build a system that display the surrounding temperature in C or F , the user can select using a touch sensitive display.
Components i am using is MAX31855 thermocople for temperature sensing. I have a Raspberry Pi 2 Model B at home i'm using.
I have a C program to sense temperature from this chip. which i got from Github.
I want a 3.5 to 5 inch touch display with hdmi connectivity so that i can use GPIO pins later in future for other purpose.
I am getting confused as to how to proceed with this small project of mine.
Which display to select? How to proceed with GUI programming using UGUI? I saw the reference guide but i'm totally new to this i'm getting extermely confused.
could you please put up a demo video or a new page on the your website for beginners like me.
Thanks & Regards,
Dear Santhosh,
yes, there will be a tutorial. Just come back here in a few weeks.
BR Achim
I am using this GLCD(240×160) using st7586S driver. I have interfaced it via 4 wire SPI interface.
I am able to init the GLCD and able to run command All Pixel ON, All Pixel OFF. but when i am writing data to DDRAM i am not abl to get anything on the display could you please help.
my code is following:
void glcdInit(void)
SETBIT(GPIOF, 6); // Chip select high
SETBIT(GPIOA, 12); // RESET high
SETBIT(GPIOA, 12); // RESET high
delay(DELAY_50MS*4); // >120msec
glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0x11); // Sleep Out
glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0x28); // Display OFF
glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0xC0); // Vop = B9h
glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0xC3); // BIAS = 1/14
glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0xC4); // Booster = x8
// as per driver datasheet
// glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0xC0); // Vop = B9h
// glcdSendbyte(DATA,0xB9);
// glcdSendbyte(DATA,0x00);
// glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0xC3); // BIAS = 1/14
// glcdSendbyte(DATA,0x05);
// glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0xC4); // Booster = x8
// glcdSendbyte(DATA,0x07);
glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0xD0); // Enable Analog Circuit
glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0xB5); // N-Line = 0
glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0x39); // Monochrome Mode
glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0x3A); // Enable DDRAM Interface
glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0x36); // Scan Direction Setting
glcdSendbyte(DATA,0x00); //COM:C160–C1 SEG: SEG384-SEG1
glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0xB0); // Duty Setting
// glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0xB4); // Partial display
// glcdSendbyte(DATA,0x9F);
// glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0x30); // Partial display Area COM0-119
// glcdSendbyte(DATA,0x00);
// glcdSendbyte(DATA,0x00);
// glcdSendbyte(DATA,0x00);
// glcdSendbyte(DATA,0x77);
glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0x20); // Display Inversion OFF
glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0x2A); // Column Address Setting
glcdSendbyte(DATA,0x00); // SEG0 -> SEG384
glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0x2B); // Row Address Setting
glcdSendbyte(DATA,0x00); // COM0 -> COM160
glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0x29); // Display ON
void glcdSendbyte(unsigned char byteType, unsigned char data)
unsigned char count = 0;
// pin for selecting command or data
if(byteType == COMMAND)
CLRBIT(GPIOF, 6); // Chip select low
for(count = 0; count < 8; count++)
if(data & (0x80 >> count))
SETBIT(GPIOF, 6); // Chip select high
void display_address(unsigned char x,unsigned char y)
glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0x2A); // Column Address Setting
glcdSendbyte(DATA, 0x00); // SEG0 -> SEG240
glcdSendbyte(DATA, x+8);// SEG8*3=24
glcdSendbyte(DATA, 0x7f); // SEG128*3=384 seg x(dont use) seg n seg n
glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0x2B); // Row Address Setting
glcdSendbyte(DATA,0x00); // COM0 -> COM160
glcdSendbyte(DATA, y);
glcdSendbyte(DATA, 0x00);
glcdSendbyte(DATA, 0x9F);
void display_black(void) //all display
unsigned int i,j;
glcdSendbyte(COMMAND, 0x2C);
for(j=0;j<120;j++) //1byte data or 2 dot 120*2=240dot
glcdSendbyte(DATA, 0xFF);
Main function calls are like following:
could you please help in pointing out where i am doing wrong?
Dear Pallav,
sorry, but I don’t have the time to review your code right now. The only thing you need to do is to be able to toggle a single bit inside the display memory. After that the PSET-function will do the job.
BR Achim
Dear Achim Döbler;
It's a nice work and thanks for sharing.
I'd like to ask that is it possible to use uGUI with one of the Atmega ARM based MPUs that is AT91SAM9x35. It has own LCD controller and library but i did not figure out how to connect uGUI with this controller.
I'll be glad if you have an idea or suggestion on this issue.
Dear Jack,
it’s basically just one function that you need: PSET(). Please have a look at the reference manual.
BR Achim
I use pic32mz with ili9341 and I would take advantage dma to accelerate.
I am not able to exploit the DMA module, how can I do?
I can have an example already tested?
Can anybody please help?
Hello Achim ,
the GUI looks very nice and its look easy to implement it!
Is the Projekt still allive ?
I am searching for a library for my home project and my question is: It is useful to start with when the project seems to go on nothing more ?
Best regards,
Hi Peter,
the project is still alive!
BR Achim
Hello, i have one problem,
if( ((UG_RESULT(*)(UG_S16 x1, UG_S16 y1, UG_S16 x2, UG_S16 y2, UG_COLOR c))gui …
number of arguments passed to function "indirect" does not match functions prototype ,in hardware acceleration. I just pass the library to my project with pic32
Some help or support?
Please describe your problem more in detail.
Can this library be used if there is not enough RAM to hold the framebuffer? I'm looking at using an LCD that has a 8080 interface. Thanks!
Hi Tom,
well, this depends on your display. The GRAM must be located either in the display or in the MCU. You can use µGUI in both cases.
BR Achim
First, I would like to thank you for making this library available and, most importantly, the pdf for each function.
Libraries for lcds, we have many online, more documented are few.
However I noticed in the compilation that there were significant changes between the documentation and the v0.30 library in UGUI-master, to the point that the compilation after some adjustments in the example "uGui_STM32F429_Discovery" was running fine, and compilation with substitution by the files UGUI-master, have made so many mistakes that you want to be able to track.
Whatever is possible, you could update your example with the files in UGUI-master, but keep the previous one so that you can understand the changes.
Thank you very much in advance.
To be able to help the recurring error is:
Description Resource Path Location Type
#include nested too deeply STM32F429_Disco_uGUI line 1x… C / C ++ Problem
Hi Ivan,
thanks a lot for the positive feedback.
I need to do some updates regarding GitHub.
Will get back to you regarding this!
BR Achim
Hi, I'm trying to setup an ST75256 based LCD display to a Raspberry Pi as 240×160 X-Windows active display. Is this possible and can you help me please?
Hi Martin,
sorry, but I don’t have much time right now. Can anybody please help here?
Hi Achim,
Very nice project. I've got an OLED display with SSD1322 controller and I was wondering if I can use your uGUI library on my STM32F407 connected to the LCD via the 8080 parallel interface through the FSMC peripheral.
Hi Marcos,
yes, sure!
Hi! I saw your video on YouTube, using the NIOS II processor to draw Lissajous_curve, can you communicate? The FPGA I use is EP4CE115F29C7.Email:maruixiang96@gmail.com
Have there been any updates to this project lately?
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Your insights or suggestions on why the LCD isn’t initializing would be greatly appreciated. I’ve attached the relevant code for your reference.
void LCD_Init(void)
P7_bit.no6 = 0; //set A0 pin as a o/p
P7_bit.no7 = 0; //set Reset pin as a o/p
P7_bit.no7 = 1; //LCD Reset high
P7_bit.no7 = 0; //LCD Reset LOW
P7_bit.no7 = 1; //LCD Reset high
P7_bit.no6 = 0; //Set the A0 pin to initial values
//LCD initialization commands
write_command(0x11); // Sleep Out //set power save mode
write_command(0x28); // Display OFF
write_command(0xC0); // Vop = 0X11Dh
write_data(0x45); // 1D:14.96V 24:15.30V 28:15.36V 6F:18.00V
write_data(0x01); //
write_command(0xC3); // BIAS System
write_data(0x00); //— bias 0x00=1/14 ; 0x01= 1/13; 0x02=1/12 ;0x03=1/11 ; 0x04=1/10 ; 0x05 =1/9bias//
write_command(0xC4); // Booster = x8
write_command(0xD0); // Enable Analog Circuit
write_command(0xB5); // N-Line = 0 ; Frame inversion
write_data(0x00); // inversion occurs in every frame
write_command(0x39); //Display Mode 0x38 Gray mode ; 0x39 Monochrome mode(B/W Mode)
write_command(0x3A); // Enable DDRAM Interface
write_data(0x02); // 4-level gray 0x02 , 16-level gray 0x03
write_command(0x36); // Scan Direction Setting/Display Control——-
write_data(0x00); //seg 0—283 com 0–160 Set scan direction of COM andSEG
write_command(0xB0); // Duty Setting ——–(num rows – 1)
write_data(0x9F); //0x77==>1/120Duty 0x7f==>1/128Duty 0x9f==>1/160duty 0x3f==>1/64duty
write_command(0x20); // Display Inversion 20:OFF 21:ON
write_command(0x2A); // Column Address Setting
write_data(0x00); // start column address
write_data(0x00); // SEG0
write_data(0x00); // ending column address
write_data(0x4F); // SEG239 , 80*3=240 pixels
write_command(0x2B); // Row Address Setting
write_data(0x00); // start row address
write_data(0x00); // com0
write_data(0x00); // ending row address
write_data(0x78); // 78h=120, 9F=160
//Clear_DDRAM(); // Clear DDRAM
write_command(0x29); // Display ON
void display_black(void) //all display
unsigned int i,j;
for(j=0;j<120;j++) //1byte data or 2 dot 120*2=240dot
void main(void)
R_SAU0_Create(); //Start serial array unit
R_CSI01_Start(); //Start CSI channel 01 (SPI)
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